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Hideki Tojo是什么意思



1)Hideki Tojo,东条英机(日本内阁首相、二战头号战犯)2)Japanese war criminals,日本战犯3)Japanese Grade-A War Criminals,日本甲级战犯4)chief war criminal,首要战犯5)the Japanese cabinet,日本内阁6)Japan Cabinet Edition,日本内阁本


    The principles of adopting a policy of combining punishment and leniency were employed to successfully deal with all the Japanese war criminals under detention.

    中华人民共和国成立后 ,对曾在侵华战争期间千余名犯有严重战争罪行的在押日本战犯采取了以思想教育改造为重点、以消除其头脑中根深蒂固的军国主义思想为核心的方针 ,实行正义与人道、惩处与宽大相结合的处置原则 ,达到了让他们认罪服罪的目的 ,妥善地处理了全部在押的日本战犯问题。

    Research on mutual collation between Japan Cabinet Edition and National Beijing Library Edition of Shang han lun (Treatise on Cold Pathogenic Disease);


    Two Trials of Japanese War Criminals in Taiyuan, Shanxi (part two);


    Two Trials of Japanese War Criminals in Taiyuan, Shanxi(Part one);


    On the Trial and Release of the Japanese War Criminals by the Chinese Government in the 1950 s;


    He was among the chief Japanese war criminals on the list published at Yenan in August 1945.


    3. Yasuji Okamura was one of the Japanese war criminals with the longest and blackest record of crimes of aggression against China.


    The cases of all these Japanese war criminals shall be reopened as soon as the Democratic Coalition Government of China, the new central government representing the people throughout China, is formed.


    Japanese war criminals must be tried;


    The former Japanese leaders were put on trial as major war criminals in Tokyo.


    Summary of the Crimes Committed by Japanese Yasukuni Shrine to Enshrine the Class-A War Criminals


    His latest book describes how Japan's Class A war criminals were actually victims.


    The Yasukuni Shrine which honors the Second World War era class A war criminals is the spiritual pillar of the Japanese national militarism.


    The Yasukuni shrine honors two-and-a-half million Japanese war dead, including convicted war criminals.


    The shrine honors Japanese war dead, including convicted war criminals.


    So the first term now contains two items, (a) the punishment of Japanese war criminals and (b) the punishment of civil war criminals.


    You were defeated and you asked for negotiations, but suddenly you declared the chief Japanese war criminal Yasuji Okamura not guilty.


    Koizumi angered both countries by his repeated visits to the Yasukuni war shrine, which honors Japan's war dead, including over a dozen convicted World War Two criminals.


    Analysis of Japanese Imperialist Aggression Nature on Basis of Their Crimes Committed on Hainan Island During Anti-Japanese War Period;


    Chinese Foreign Policy Towards Japan and the Trial of Japanese War Criminals at the Years Immediately After the Second World War;


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