First, the basic principle of activation tagging, and the progress of its applicatio.
Activation tagging is a technique to acquire gain of function mutants, and it has particular advantages in isolating and studying genes from gene family, genes controlling hard-to-test traits, and genes involved in QTL, etc.
激发标签技术是建立在功能获得突变基础上的一项突变体构建技术,它在分离和研究基因家族的基因、性状不易检测的基因以及性状由QTL(quantitative trait loci)控制的基因等方面具有独特的优势。
Five digesting methods concluding three digesting acid systems and two heating modes were compared and discussed for the detection of multi-trace element concentrations in the standard material of human hair (GBW07601) by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry(ICP-MS),evaluate the accuracy of this method.
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