Suggestion on cold-proof remodelling of type SS_9 electric locomotive;
Discussion on cold-proof of type SS _4 modified locomotive;
Analysis of cold-proof about pipeline system on electric locomotive;
Through the study on the climate characteristics of high cold area of Qingzang Railway and using the construction experience in cold area (northeast china) for reference the technological measures of cold proof and heat insulation of tunnel s winter construction in high cold area are proposed.
通过对青藏铁路高寒地区气候特征的调查研究 ,借鉴东北等寒冷地区的施工经验 ,从隧道施工的材料、供水、供风、混凝土的搅拌、隧道洞内以及机械设备等方面进行了论述 ,提出了在高原寒冷地区隧道施工 ,其防寒保温的技术措施和方法。
Effects of different chill-proof measures on vetiver transplanted at low temperature in winter;
Soil temperature changes were studied in solar greenhouse with cold-proof ditch and without cold-proof ditch in the fore foot.
以未设置防寒沟和在前底脚设置防寒沟的辽沈I型日光温室为例 ,对土壤温度变化规律进行了试验研究。
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