The new integral formula with weight factors for a strictly pseudoconvex polyhedron with non-smooth boundary;
Integral Formula with Discrete Holomorphic Kernel and ?-Equations on Bounded Domain;
In this paper we analyze the revolver of the curve revolving around the straight line,discuss the calculations of the area and volume of the revolver,get two integral formulas of the calculations of the area and volume,and illustrate the application of the formulas with examples.
In this paper,the basic theory of stochastic systems of It type is summarized,including the It stochastic analysis,the definition of It stochastic differential equations,It differential formula and the theorems on existence and uniqueness of solutions of It stochastic differential equations.
Based on the stationary variational formula satisfied by the propagation constant of planar line, the variational formula of the bilateral slot line propagation constant which takes only the slot tangential electric field as variable is given.
A novel stationary variational formula in spatial domain and in spectral domain respectively for calculation of planar line propagation constant is presented based on the exact theory of electromagnetic field.
基于严格的电磁场理论 ,给出了一种新的分析平面传输线传输特性的空域及谱域的稳定变分公式 。
In this paper the computation method for the points on the easement curve is derived by integration formula and realized on the CASIO fx4500 and CASIO fx4800 calculators by programming.
为此利用积分公式推导求出内外缓和曲线上点的计算方法 ,并借助CASIO fx45 0 0、CASIO fx480 0计算器编程来实现。
By building and using the evaluate formula S ,it is obtained that lie detection validities of this experiment is 92%.
1Hz ,应用所构造的评分公式S得出测谎成功率为 92 %。
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