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national economy system是什么意思



1)national economy system,国民经济体系2)citizen,国民3)nationals,国民4)national,国民5)Nation,国民6)the masses,国民


    The resource-saving national economy system is the basis of the resource-saving society and a complicated system.


    Based on the citizen s health condition, this article is trying to search out the factor s of inferior health.


    Yan Fu put forward the problem of the citizen s innate badness for the very first time.


    But the sense of hardship to national has diluted the ultimate individual concern greatly,"nationals"not "individual"becomes a most fr.


    But the sense of hardship to national has diluted the ultimate individual concern greatly,"nationals" not "individual" becomes a most frequent noun.


    A Disscussion on Sun Yat-sen s Thought about National Psychology and Ideology Building;


    On the one hand, economic competition will further speed up China s economic increace, improve the depressing employment market and offer a new chance to the national employment and the.

    一方面通过经济竞争促使中国经济增长进一步加快 ,给近几年低迷徘徊的就业市场带来亮点 ,给广大国民就业和素质结构调整带来新的机遇 ;另一方面 ,由于我国社会主义市场经济的发展 ,引进竞争机制 ,实行优胜劣汰 ,以及加入WTO后产业结构必将进行大规模调整的双重因素的影响 ,部分职工下岗是不可避免的 ,同时又促使下岗职工对自身素质结构中不适应的内容进行深刻反省 ,以最快的速度调整和完善自身素质结构 ,以适应中国加入WTO后经济发展和社会进步的需要。

    China s modernistic pursuit in the early stage takes the "new nationals" as the approach and the strength and prosperity as the goal of the nation and country,manifesting in the same trend of modernity its own unique dimension.


    Discourse of National Character:Method of Nationalism;


    Study on 2000 Year’s survey of national constitution in Huizhou City;


    This article, after an analysis of the features and functions of this sport, points out that, in order to improve the masses quality roundly, it is of great signicance to popularize this sport.


    This artcle, after an analysis of the features and functions of this sport, points out that, in order to improve the masses integrated quality roundly, it is of great significance to make the masses realize the importance of this sport.


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