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overseas terms of appointment是什么意思



1)overseas terms of appointment,海外聘用制2)Employment of foreign teacher,外教聘用3)external worker,外聘用工4)Engagement system,聘用制5)employment system,聘用制6)system of appointment,聘用制


    This paper briefly expatiates the status quo of externally-hired workers for routine patrol and maintenance of long-distence brine transportation pipeline,and it analyzes four legal risks of directly hiring external workers and summarizes the methods and managerial results of routine patrol and maintenance of brine transportation pipeline.


    The institutions of higher education are carrying out an engagement system for their all members, which is adapted to the need of our socialist market-oriented economic system and promotes reforms on the personnel system of higher education.


    The efficiency of employment system in Chinese universities has to be verified by positivism method,and analyzed by institutional economics.


    To effectively promote the employment system, this paper compares the new employment system with the old one, and also the interior environment with the exterior one, in order to get a deeper understanding of the employment system.


    This paper advances some paths for the rational development and effective utilization of the human resource, which include carrying out the employment system to optimize the cadre resource, establishing and perfecting the human resource management system and cadre training system in university library, and stabilizing the managerial ranks of university library.


    It was discussed in this paper that the good and bad features on the system of appointment involved all staffs in the colleges and universities of China.

    本文剖析了全员聘用制的优点和消极因素 ,并提出高校构建流动与稳定岗位相结合、聘用制与评估制相得益彰的人才选拔聘用制度的思路和途

    The system of appointment refers to stipulating the rights, obligation and responsibility of both parties clearly in accordance with equal principles of both parties by way of contract.


    Reflections on Post Employment System and Management on Post-employment


    The assignment and effectioeness of appointed head nurse in military hospital


    The appointment system was followed in all research institutions.


    Research on the Personnel Engagement System of Liaoning Provincial Public Institutions;


    Transformation Analysis of Faculty Employment Relations;


    An introduction of the teachers employing system and some enlightenment from American colleges;


    Thinking on the Engagement System for All College Staff;


    Pondering over and Comparison of the University Teacher Employment Systems in China and the U.S.A.;


    A Flexible and Lifetime Employment System of Appointment in Colleges and Universities;


    Get a Clear Understanding of the Situations Introduce the Whole System of Employment under Contract in an Active and Sound Manner;

    认清形势 积极稳妥地推行全员聘用制

    An Insight into Issues in Spreading National Engaging System;


    A Study of Incentive Mechanism for the Contracted Communal Social Workers in Shanghai;


    Applied Research on Employment System in the Colleges of Economically Underdeveloped Areas;


    To inquire into the exploitation of the talented person market of the engaged nurses, it is expounded in this article that the modus operandi and the experience of exploiting the talented person market of the engaged nurses.

    为探讨聘用制护理人才市场的开发 ,本文阐述了开发聘用制护理人才市场的做法和体会 ;

    The Engagement System: A Dual-blade Sword for the Reconstruction ofAcademic Key Teams of College Teachers;


    The Study of Personnel File Management Issues in University under the System of Appointment;


    The Study on Countermeasures about Affect in Teachers Employment System to the Teachers Management;


    Thoughts on deepening the reform of personnel employment system in university;


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