The construction steps in rigid-frame bridge construction are full framing erection,in-situ casting of arch rib and straining concrete beam,folding of the arch ribs into a whole arch together,installation of the minor angle block and concrete filling till the deck forms into an integrity.
The application of full space supports in construction of cast-in-place box beam;
This paper describes design and construction of full space supports for continuous girgers in soft groundation area,specially discusses the method of stone concrete column is taken for dealing with soft groundation and full space supports is adopted.
The bearing system of full space supports is a multi -fulcrum bearing system.
满堂支架支承体系属多支点承体系 ,以多支点分散荷载 ,将荷载传向地基 ,因此要求地基必须具有足够的承载力 ,能将现浇混凝土施工过程中支架下沉量控制在允许范围内 ,同时要求所有支点均匀下沉 ,以预防梁体由于不均匀下沉而产生开裂。
Stability calculation of full space support of cast-in-site beam;
The construction method of full space support,which can t satisfy the construction needs of viaduct with tall piers,is replaced by the construction method of truss frame platform.
With the South Approach of the Shuangchong Bridge at Liuzhou as an example, the paper deals with the choice and describes the full space supports for the construction of continuous pre-stressed concrete box girders.
The Architectural Characteristics and Aesthetic Value of Mantang Hakka Manor House;
Group Two were taught the four passages with a "duck-feeding" method; Group Three only took vocabulary tests.
教师为第 1组与第 2组提供四篇快速阅读材料 ,对第 2组采用满堂灌的方法教学 ,第 3组只参加测试。
Features of the interchange bridge construction at the cross of two highways are introduced; construction essentials such as foundation treatment,insurance of prestress system and arrest of upward mandrel are analyzed; in-situ casting of the prestress continuous box beam and continuous core slab under full framing above soft clay foundation is presented.
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