According to the comprehensive rectifying principle of subsidence by static pressure and uplift by hydraulic jack,the Kuiguang tower is successfully rectified and the rectifying precision is 017‰.
根据奎光塔地基基础条件及倾斜变形现状,分析了奎光塔倾斜的原因,制定了周密安全的加固及纠偏方案,根据迫降、顶升组合协调纠偏原理,完成了对奎光塔的成功纠偏,纠偏精度达到了0 17‰,取得了满意的效果。
The experiment of forced settlement rectification through adjusting stiffness of subsoil body by injecting water method is introduced for a reducedscale model of inclination building.
The experiment forced settlement rectification through the stress additional method is introduced for a reduced-scale model of inclination building.
The experiment of forced settlement rectification through the stress relieving method is introduced for a reduced-scale model of inclination building.
The performance estimating method of forced landing was discussed in this paper,and the methods of setting up the forced landing line and controlling the airplane were also analyzed.
The performance estimating method of forced landing was discussed in this paper,and the methods of setting up the forced landing line and controlling the airplane were also analyzed.
According to the characteristics of forced landing in the airport,out of the airport and on the surface of water,this paper disscussed some main problem of controlling forced landing,and presented a controlling suggestion .
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