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eliminate pornography and illegal publications是什么意思



1)eliminate pornography and illegal publications,扫黄,打非2)eliminate pornography and illegal publications,扫黄、打非3)The fight against pornography,illegal publications and piracy shall be continued.,继续开展"扫黄打非"斗争4)fight unremittingly against pornographic and illegal publications,坚持不懈地进行"扫黄打非"斗争5)sweeping,打扫6)anti-pornography drive,扫黄


    "The fight against pornography, illegal publications and piracy shall be continued."


    The new leadership of the Municipal Bureau of Public Security decided that the police should continue to eliminate pornography and other illegal publications.


    We should tirelessly fight against pornographic and illegal publications.


    Our struggle against pornographic and illegal publications continuously deepened.


    Persistent efforts will be put into the fight against pornography and other illegal products. We will severely crack down on piracy and smuggling of video disks.


    The campaign to wipe out pornography and other illegal products will be carried out in depth, and the government will severely crack down on piracy and smuggling of videodisks.


    On the Problem of Unit Crime in the Struggle against Pornography and Illegal Publication;


    We will improve management of the culture market and steadfastly fight against pornography and illegal publications.


    At the request of NAPWC, in the Operation 2000 local authorities will target producers of illegal publications, the production bases of illegal publications and major gangs smuggling compact discs and pirating copyrighted publications.They are also called to redouble efforts to promote the legal education and


    China's war against copyright piracy features high in its agenda to stamp out pornographic and illegal publications.


    The new leadership of the municipal Bureau of public security decided that the police should, in the forthcoming year, continue their pornography sweeps


    We cracked down on all criminal activities and launched special campaigns to fight the crime and social evils that the people detest most.


    Study about the Anti-criminal Campaign;


    A brief introduction of China's battle against pornographic and illegal publications


    We must keep up our anti-corruption fight, energetically rectify misconduct and unhealthy tendencies in various trades and government departments, and strictly deal with all breaches of law or discipline.


    Armed struggle and guerrilla warfare are the highest forms of illegal struggle.


    We should strengthen the forces engaged in the fight against smuggling and extensively and persistently combat smuggling.


    Launching an anti-drug struggle to eliminate the drug scourge is the historical responsibility of the Chinese government.


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