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maintain a balance between receipts and payments是什么意思



1)maintain a balance between receipts and payments,保持收支平衡2)maintain one's equilibrium; keep one's balance,保持平衡3)balance keeping,平衡保持4)maintain the Balance between revenue and expenditure,维持财务收支平衡5)revenue and expenditure balance,收支平衡6)balance of income and expenditure,收支平衡


    In order to simulate characters to recover balance in locomotion,we put forward a balance keeping algorithm for virtual characters which receive contact forces from others.


    According to the mathematical model, it is the substitution rate, age at employment, age at retirement, dependency ratio, life expectancy, mortality rate, population age structure, economic prosperity, inflation, population migration, wage growth rate and interest rate,that influence the revenue and expenditure balance of endowment insurance.

    根据养老保险基金收支平衡的数学模型 ,影响养老保险收支平衡的风险因素有替代率、就业年龄、退休年龄、抚养比、平均余命、死亡率、人口年龄构成、目标期间、经济景气、通货膨胀、人口迁移、工资增长率、利率等。

    According to the revenue and expenditure balance model of endowment analyses, there are many factors that influence its balance.

    给定目标期间的养老金收支平衡模型为 :∑nj =1c× ∑b- 1i =ax( i j)× w( j) -∑w- 1i =bx( i j)× Q( j)× ( 1 +r) n- j =0 ,影响养老金收支平衡的因素较多 ,除缴费率、替代比例、退休年龄、工资增长率和养老金增值率、通货膨胀、养老金计发办法等基本因素外 ,人口迁移、失业等也会对养老金收支平衡产生影

    After the personal account fund is separated from social pool fund in the system of independent account,it runs in the model of "full account" ,accumulates constantly and faces the fund s balance of income and expenditure .


    Is it really a sign of mental health to be able to balance your checkbook, sit still in your chair, and never speak out of turn?


    A joint venture shall at least balance its foreign exchange receipt and payment.


    Well, the government does so for the purpose of keeping the balance of international payments.


    We will work to basically balance international payments and keep the exchange rate for the Renminbi basically stable at a proper and balanced level.


    To carry or hold in equilibrium; balance.


    The primary objective of commercial policy in low-income countries is likely to be defense of the balance of payments.


    Article 75 A joint venture shall in general maintain a balance between its foreign exchange receipts and expenditures.

    第七十五条 合营企业的外汇收支一般应保持平衡。

    Influence of soil and water conservation on sediment budget of channel system:A case study of the Wudinghe River Basin


    Analyses on the Revenue and Expenditure Balance of the Endowment Insurance and Influential Factors;


    Research on Basic Pension Insurance Fund Balance


    This is of vital importance to achieving sustained economic growth this year, maintaining equilibrium in our balance of payments and keeping the exchange rates for the Renminbi stable.


    These regulations are formulated with a view to improving the mana- gement of the exchange system, maintaining an equilibrium in balance of payments and promoting sound economic growth.


    We must stimulate economic growth, create more jobs, stabilize prices and maintain balance of international payments as the main macroeconomic control objectives.


    Study on the Institutions and Balance of the Fundamental Pension Insurance Fund with a Case Study for Jinan City;


    Research on the Payment Balance of Pension Insurance in China;


    Influential Factors of Balance between Income and Expenditure of Pooling funds of Basic Medical Insurance and Countermeasures;


    Analysis of Factors Affecting the Retirement Pension Balance under the New Policies;


    Influence of Retirement Age on the Balance of Endowment Insurance Funding;


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