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A&C addenda and corrigenda是什么意思



1)A&C addenda and corrigenda,补遗和勘误2)corrigendum,勘误;补遗3)errors and omissions excepted,误差和遗漏除外4)correction,勘误5)Corrigenda,勘误6)erratum,勘误


    A correction on algae in the textbook of Botany;


    Columns of correction in academic journals:erratum/corrigendum and retraction;


    Appended a list of errors to the report.


    A list of errors in a book along with their corrections.


    An error in printing or writing, especially such an error noted in a list of corrections and bound into a book.


    There's a list of corrigenda at the beginning of the book.


    Readers are requested to make the corrections pointed out in the errata.


    Readers make the corrections pointed out in the table of errata.


    (of corrections in text)replace(one word, etc)with another


    A Corrigendum of the Biography Part in History of Ming Dynasty,Essays


    The Errors Correction and Questions of the Ancient Hand-Copied and Printed Books of You Xian Ku;


    Corrections on Astronomical Treatise of SuiShu;


    Errors in the Album of the Reproduction of the Inscriptions on Tortoise Shells Discovered in the East of Huayuan Village near Yin Ruins;


    On the Punctuation Correctioo of “Carving Inscription Collected in Liaoning Museum”;


    On the Explanations of the Lexeme Yin Shuo"(淫烁)"--A Verification of One Word in the Chinese Dictionary;


    “Technology-oriented” Phenomena Correction on the Development of Teachers Professional Capabilities;


    Correcting Faults of Quotations in A Dictionary of Common-used Ancient Chinese Words (Revised Edition);


    Please refer to the errata for this document, which may include some normative corrections.


    Some Issues on Correcting Errors on Jiangnan,Jiannan in Geography Records of The Old Book of Tang History;


    Deliberating about corrigenda and Punctuation Marks in the ancient works version of Mingke Collected Works,Shang Hai;


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