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fixed-rate mortgage是什么意思



1)fixed-rate mortgage,定息按揭2)fixed rate mortgage,定息按揭3)fixed interest,定息4)straight bond,定息债券5)Fixed-income Fund,定息基金6)Fixed Income Securities,定息债券7)Fixed Rate Bonds,定息债券8)Fixed-income securities,定息证券9)FXRN fixed rate note,定息票据10)fixed interest investment,定息投资


    With the existing experience to use for reference, the state not only carried out the joint state-private ownership in a11 professions but also introduced the “fixed interest”system so as to meet the needs of socialist transformation.

    由于社会主义改造形势发展的需要 ,由于有可以借鉴的经验 ,国家在全行业公私合营的同时推行定息制度。

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