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privately owned enterprise是什么意思



1)privately owned enterprise,民营公司2)Direct Listed Private Companies,直接上市民营公司3)Indirect Listed Pri-vate Companies,间接上市民营公司4)private,民营5)privatization,民营6)private enterprise,民营


    Present Conditions and Counter-measures of Private Pump Enterprises s Internal Control;


    Research on Private Medium-small Enterprises Financing Channels in China;


    Relative to public economy,private economy (state-owned economy and collective economy) is characterized by “private” as its main body in economic realm.

    民营经济是相对公营经济 (包括国营经济和集体经济 )而言的 ,是表明以“民”作为经营主体的经济学范畴 ,包括公有民营和民有民营两部分。

    Based on this, it points out that the privatization of China s railway is one of the feasible ways for the structural reform of China s railway.

    在此基础上 ,指出铁路民营是中国铁路体制改革的一个可行方案。

    The privatization of the broadcasting stations of early China is an attempt for the mass media to be modernized and also an epitome of Chinese urban culture merging into the whole world.


    Ports privatization is an effective approach to accelerate port industry to achieve International top-ranking level,it also is a development trend of port industry to financing.


    Based on the particular h istorical character of private enterprises,learning is very important during th eir development.


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