This article advances some new views about WEN Ting-yun life,home temporary and adopter by means of discrimination all various predecessor s view.
本文在辨析前人诸论说的基础上 ,通过对温诗文的剖析 ,对温庭筠的生年、寄籍及收养人等问题提出一些新看法 ,认为“淮南李仆射”是李珏 ,温庭筠当生于元和十一年 (816年 ) ;他的寄籍不是江南 ,而是关中 ;他早年丧父 ,为人收养 ,他的收养人不是温造 ,而是段文昌。
Analysis of the court s power to review adoptions;
Studies on the Ownership of Land and Adoption in Nuzi of Ancient Assyria;
Adoption is the civil legal relation which relates to adoptive family,birth family and adoptee s interests,thus every aspect of adoption must be taken into consideration to prevent all parties legitimate rights from being damaged.
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