International competition strategy of China’s investment bank industry after the entry into WTO;
Empirical study indicates that market structure, industry scale and overall market profitability are very interpretive of the profit rate of investment banking industry in our country.
With the approach of the information society and the knowledge economy,the recombination of the commercialized banking industry and the investment banking industry and the realization of the universal banking industry are inevitable .
银行业的分业经营是适应市场经济发展到一定时期的经营策略 ,伴随着信息社会和知识经济的到来 ,商业银行与投资银行(业)的再次融合 ,实现全能银行已成为不可抗拒的潮流 ,这有利于中国加入WTO。
On the Norms and Innovation of Investment Banking in China;
On the Mutual Promotion between Commercial Bank Business and Investment Bank Business under the Background of Comprehensive Operation;
And the investment bank business is the right one.
In accordance with the study on the internationalization of investment banking business, this thesis analyzes the characteristics, causes and prospects of such internationalization, provides several countermeasures for us on the basis of description of the development situation of investment banking business in China.
通过研究当前全球范围投资银行(业)务国际化的特征 ,分析其形成的历史因素和发展前景 ,并根据我国投资银行(业)的现状提出相应对
Studies on Theories and Policies for Domestic Commercial Banks to Develop Investment Banking;
Based on the pricing function of investment banking service charges, the article made a detailed review on the essential elements affecting pricing of investment banking fees, including the cost, risk, competition, scale, service and reputation.
The boundary between commercial banking and investment banking has become increasingly blurred with worldwide changes in the financial environment, the pursuit of profit maximization, as well as the improvement of the ability against risks.
The traditional services of commercial banks are mainly in charge of deposit and loan services while the investment banking services are in charge of the rest of the commercial services which is relate to capital market such as stock, fund and bond etc.
With the policy indicating the trend of development,the industry steps into a booming cycle——The investment strategy of papermaking industry in 2008;
Study on Investment and Development of Non-State Mining Enterprises;
The company’s performance is developing steadily and the industry is turning warm——The investment strategies for the listed paper companies in the second half of 2007;
公司业绩稳步发展 行业回暖在望——2007年下半年造纸行业上市公司投资策略
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