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Minister of Health是什么意思



1)Minister of Health,卫生大臣2)[England] Minister of Health,卫生部大臣[英]3)health and welfare minister,厚生大臣4)QING: grand minister of the imperial household department concurrently controlling the imperial guardsme,领侍卫内大臣5)[Japan] Minister of Health and Welfare,厚生大臣[日]6)Grand health,大卫生


    In Britain, a Committee on the Safety of Medicines advises the Minister of Health, and it's the minister who grants a new drug licence.


    "and when his servants said these words to David, he was well pleased to be the son-in-law of the king. and the days were still not past."


    The rank or position of a chancellor.


    The office or department of a chancellor.


    "and Saul gave his servants orders saying, Have talk with David secretly and say to him, See how the king has delight in you, and how you are loved by all his servants: then be the king's son-in-law."


    Baron, send for the minister of war.


    "But Jeroboam, the son of Nebat, the servant of Solomon, the son of David, took up arms against his lord."


    "and he sent stones at David and at all the king's servants and at all the people and at all the men of war by his side, on the right hand and on the left."


    So the youthful Home Secretary, thirty five-year old Winston Churchill, agreed to the deployment of a platoon of Scots guards.


    "and Saul's servants said these things to David. and David said, Does it seem to you a small thing to be the king's son-in-law, seeing that I am a poor man, of no great name?"


    the Secretary of State for Home Affairs, Defence, etc

    内政、 国防等大臣

    the Home, Defence, etc Secretary

    内政、 国防等大臣.

    the Lord S - of the Household


    the Chancellor of the Exchequer


    a minister without portfolio


    The doctor wrote a letter to the Minister disclosing the whole affair.


    The minister was living in retirement, being in disgrace at count.


    Mr. Wilkinson: The Secretary of State wants to see you, Dr. Miranda.


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