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emerging nation是什么意思



1)emerging nation,新兴国家2)Emerged Markets,新兴国家市场3)new industrialization country in Asian,亚洲新兴国家4)the debt markets of emerging market nations,新兴国家债务市场5)rising,新兴6)growing up discipline,新兴学7)Xinxing county,新兴县8)Emerging cities,新兴城市9)New district,新兴城区10)emerging technologies,新兴技术


    So it s crucial for our company to keep the market in developed countries and discover new customs from Emerged Markets.


    He became a typical case of the rising me rchant at the middle of l6 century when capitalism was coming out in china.


    It is a brandnew concept that a rising, international, scientific and technological city is a combination of science and technology and city formation.


    Multi-hierarchy fuzzy synthetical evaluation model of emerging technologies investment risk;


    This paper studies the challenges that emerging technologies bring to the strategic management and strategic characteristics of emerging technologies firstly.


    The paper supposes that diffusion processes of emerging technologies obey Markov processes,and the "S" curve models of emerging technologies are established by using differential equation methods,basing on the diffusion curves of emerging technologies;and diffusion processes of emerging technologies are analyzed using mathematical quantitative methods and qualitative methods.


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