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Engaging in Self-seeking Misconduct是什么意思



1)Engaging in Self-seeking Misconduct,徇私枉法2)the crime of blending the law for selfish ends,徇私枉法罪3)abuse the law and practise favouritism,徇私(情)枉法4)Research on Bending the Law Crimes,徇私枉法罪研究5)The Determination of the Crime of Bending the Law from Selfish Motives,徇私枉法罪的认定6)To Bend the law to suit private interest,枉法从私


    Crime Subject of Engaging in Self-seeking Misconduct in Objectivism;


    The objective aspect of the crime of blending the law for selfish ends is showing like this:the behavior carries out the act of blending the law for selfish ends or blending the law for a favor in criminal proceedings.


    The Research on the Disputed Questions of the Objective Aspects of Bending the Law for the Benefit of Relatives or Friends;


    Crime Subject of Engaging in Self-seeking Misconduct in Objectivism;


    Analysis on crime of engaging in self-seeking misconduct--The empirical analysis on the case


    Perversion of the criminal law for selfish motives is the important charge of the malfeasance in the criminal law, and it plays an important part in upholding justness of judicature.


    If a government employee knowingly covers up the criminal counterfeiting of a registered trademark or if a person charged with enforcing the law compromises the law for personal gain, his or her criminal malfeasance will be determined by law.


    The legal liability of judges, who take bribes, practice favouritism, engage in fraudulent practices and bend the law in administering justice, shall be pursued.


    The arbitrator is found to have taken bribes, conducted malpractice out of personal considerations, and misused the law in rendering a verdict in the course of arbitration.


    The judge is found to have taken bribes, conducted malpractice out of personal considerations, and misused the law in rendering judgment during the trial of the case.


    In 2000, procuratorial organs throughout the country placed 4,626 criminal cases involving misconduct by judicial personnel on file for investigation according to law;


    So Yucun twisted the law to suit his own purpose and passed arbitrary judgement.


    That trial is not fair where affection is the judge.


    The judge will surely do justice, without acceptance of persons.


    Corrupt officials make profits in privacy and ignore the law.


    On the Judicial Confirmation for the Crime of Non-transfer of Criminal Cases by Irregularities for Favoritism;


    Legislative Flaws and Perfection on "Doing Wrong for Personal Gains";


    Discussion of Malpractice by Practice Favoritism and Not Transferring Criminal Case


    He was a corrupt official, playing favoritism and committing irregularities.


    Her political beliefs grew out of her hatred of injustice.


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