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Apply for a Delay in the Issue of a Usage License是什么意思



1)Apply for a Delay in the Issue of a Usage License,延不申请使用执照2)apply for a driver's license,申请驾驶执照3)service application,使用申请书4)License for Usage,使用执照5)Application Form by Professional Practitioners for the Use of Electronic Bookkeeping,执行业务者使用机器记帐申请书6)application,使用,应用;申请;适用,施加,申请书;运用;作用;申请表


    International Computer Driving Licence


    There are a lot of incumbents”- those now licensed to use the airwaves.


    There are a lot of incumbents”-those now licensed to use the airwaves.


    For structures that do not fall under the provisions of the Building Law where a use permit applies, the approval of the competent authorities that have jurisdiction over the business is required.


    Upon granting building use licenses, the authority in charge of construction of a new town special area shall mark the licenses with texts like buildings in new town special area.


    During using, you must comply with all applicable laws and license restriction.


    The purchase of capital goods by peasants for use directly in agricultural production shall be handled with reference to this law.


    The sign shall be used in conformity with the relevant provisions of the Geneva Conventions and their Additional Protocols.


    Use at least two patient identifiers when providing care, treatment or services.


    "Permits, Licenses & Fees"


    In the case of producers who hurt the legitimate rights and interests of consumers because they provide commodities or services using the business licences of other people in violation of the law,


    With respect to foreign investors engaging in developing and managing tracts of land, the administration of the right to the use of the land shall be effected in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State Council.


    A licensing charge or a fee levied for certain privileges.


    I used my driver's license as identification.


    With before and after photographs showing a dramatic transformation


    charter (of a company)


    To subject(a photographic film, for example) to the action of light.


    the expiry of a driving licence, lease, credit card, contract, agreement, etc

    驾驶执照、 租约、 信用卡、 合同、 协议等的期满

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