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Deferred profit-sharing plan是什么意思



1)Deferred profit-sharing plan,延期利润分享计划2)delay,延期3)defer,延期4)deferment,延期5)lay over,延期6)postpone,延期7)extention,延期8)rain check,延期9)adjourn,延期10)deferral,延期


    The delay time is an important parameter of primer.

    延期时间是雷管的重要参数之一 ,文章介绍采用 80 C5 1单片机的雷管延期测时仪的工作原理及硬软件设计 ,该系统具有满意的性能和良好的应用背

    This paper introduces the μs delay transmission in detonation cord with inactive and heat resisting explosive HNS,and the amplifying of the detonation with HNS explosive and A 5 explosive to meet demand of the power to initiate the bomb action .

    该文试验研究了以钝感耐热猛炸药HNS制成的金属导爆索作为传递爆轰的微秒级延期通道 ,利用HNS和A5 炸药作为主要装药 ,扩大爆轰能量 ,满足起爆战斗部要求。

    Points out the relegation of prolongation and delay.


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