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lump-sum purchase;basket purchase是什么意思



1)lump-sum purchase;basket purchase,一揽子购买2)Blanket,一揽子的3)package agreement,一揽子按排,一揽子方案4)basket of therapies,“一揽子”策略5)basket options,一揽子期权6)sui generis systems,“一揽子工具”7)package program,“一揽子”方案8)system basket-pegged,盯住一揽子9)a basket of reform,一揽子改制10)basket of currencies,一揽子货币


    By combining various ef-fective therapeutic techniques int o a “basket of therapies”,and thereby accumulate the positiv e effects of multiple treat.


    The article establishes the model of Jump-diffusion for pricing of option,based on basket options pricing.

    本文在一揽子期权(Basket Options)定价理论的基础上,对期权的标的价格引入跳跃—扩散过程进行建模,用几何布朗运动描述其动态变化过程,用Possion过程刻画资产价格受新的信息和稀有偶发时间的冲击所发生跳跃的计数过程,用对数正态随机变量描述跳跃对应的跳跃幅度,有模型限定下,运用ItM-Skorohod微分公式和等价鞅测度变换,得出加权算术平均价格一揽子期权的一个推广的解析定价公式。

    problem-raising,opinion-exchanging,negotiations and agreement-signed;The principle proposal forwarded by the Chinese government made the first step in settling down the Sino-Burma frontier issue;The package programs laid a solid f.


    21, 2005, People s Bank of China declared that the exchangerate regime of RMB would change from pegging USD into be managedagainst a basket of currencies, without publicizing the structure of thecurrency basket.


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