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order to sign a statement of repentance是什么意思



1)order to sign a statement of repentance,责令具结悔过2)charging rectification,责令纠正3)Order to explain,责令说明4)resign in charge,责令辞职5)charging correction,责令改正6)closedown,责令关闭7)bind over,责令待审8)order for suspension of production or business,责令停产停业9)ordered acts,责令类行政行为


    The administrative accountability system in The Public Servant Law falls into two: resign to take a blame and resign in charge,but there is lack of rules of procedure.


    To most administrative law scholars, charging correction is a both familiar and unfamiliar topic on administrative practice.


    On the organs imposing the administrative penalty of order for suspension of production or business in fire protection law;


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