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application for evidence preservation是什么意思



1)application for evidence preservation,证据保全申请书2)application right of perpetuation of evidence,证据保全申请权3)application for protective measures,保全措施申请书4)application for attachment;application for property preservation,财产保全申请书5)Certificate request,证书申请6)application/petition for maritime attachment,海事请求保全申请书


    On Right to Move for Evidence Preservation-From the Perspective of Defense Right in Criminal Pro-ceedings;


    Article46 In the event that the evidence might be destroyed or if it would be difficult to obtain the evidence later on, the parties may apply for the evidence to be preserved.


    If the evidence should possibly be destroyed or lost, or if it would be difficult to obtain afterwards, the litigant participant may request the people's court for security of evidence,


    Where the people's court finds the creditor's rights and the debtor's liabilities clear and legal, after investigating the facts and proof provided by the creditor,


    The divisional applications shall preserve the filing date of the initial application and the benefit of the right of priority, if any.


    an application, a business licence, a credit certificate, a letter of attorney,


    Where the custody of property is wrongly requested, the requester shall compensate for losses caused to the other party concerned by the custody of property.


    If there is a mistake in the application, the applicant shall compensate the applying party for the loss in property incurred from the custody.


    Original Deposit Exemption Application is needed if you want to exempt deposit.


    a declaration claiming the priority of that earlier application, together with indications and evidence in support of the declaration of priority that may be required pursuant to Article 4 of the Paris Convention;


    I acknowledge the absolute right of Digi-Sign to approve or reject my application pursuant to the CPS.


    The applicant must fill in this form hard, guarantee a reliability for filling information, and guarantee to the untrue information of negative all duties.


    Any payment against a demand that is not in accordance with the provisions of article 15 does not prejudice the rights of the principal/applicant.


    May I have a receipt for my health insurance?


    The onus is on the applicant to corroborate the authenticity of any evidence supplied in support of the application.


    Many banks require borrowers to have a guarantor.


    File the petition and the certification with the Secretary of State.


    (2) they apply for a number and submit as evidence of their status an immigration document that has expired or is invalid;


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