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natural succession是什么意思



1)natural succession,自然继承2)Heres necessarius,必然继承人3)nature enduring,自然承受4)Heres suus et necessarius,正统必然继承人,5)Heres suus,自家继承人,正统继承人6)natural ecological carrying capacity,自然生态承载力


    This paper,from the angle of the accurate meaning "no break of lease with bargain ", analyzes the relationship between contract of sales and contract of rents in which the principle involves and the special summary transfer relations in the "no break of lease with bargain", then proposes "nature agreement" and "nature enduring" concept.


    The model calculated regional natural ecological carrying capacity with actual productivity and effective service function of natural ecological system and coupled self-purification ability with water resource supplying function.


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