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the composite stopped the declining momentum,gaining 28 points to 671是什么意思



1)the composite stopped the declining momentum,gaining 28 points to 671,综合指数停止下滑,上升28点,达到671点2)reach the cut-off point,达到截止点.3)break point ,breaking point,hold point,停止点4)stop terminal,停止终点5)reference-point construction,点到为止6)place of arrival,到达地点


    This encoding process is called reference-point construction.

    由于认知者的概念结构在启动时要发生激活扩散 ,言语信号能使认知者从明示的概念联想到隐含的概念 ,所以讲话人在言语编码时可以使用减缩法 ,跳跃式地触动听话人的概念结构 ,点到为止 ,让听话人顺着一点一滴的明示信号去搜索相关信息。

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