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the principle of a legally prescribed punishment for a specified crime是什么意思



1)principle of legality,罪刑法定原则2)the principle of a legally prescribed punishment for a specified crime,罪刑法定原则3)the principle of legality,罪刑法定原则4)a legally prescribed punishment for a specified crime,罪刑法定原则5)the principle of crimes and punishment stipulated by law,罪刑法定原则6)The Principle of Crimes According to Law,罪刑法定原则


    On the principle of legality in“crime and punishment”and the reflection in China s judicial practice;


    Researeh of the Fortune of Principle of Legality in the International Criminal Law;


    Application of principle of legality in the international criminal law: from the angle of international treaty;


    There are three uncertain provisions: what is in violation of state regulations ? what actions belong to other illegal operation ? what circumstances can be deem serious ? Between the principle of a legally prescribed punishment for a specified crime and every points of the above may have collisions.


    Developing from its emerging time to nowadays, the principle of a legally prescribed punishment for a specified crime has been well - accepted as the fundamental principle of criminal law in most countries.


    the establishment for the crime of a major safety accident of educational facilities, which has been increased in the new criminal code in China as a new crime, not only, reflects the confirmation of the principle of a legally prescribed punishment for a specified crime in the current criminal code but also provide with theoretical basis and exploratory space for the research of education crime.


    In fact,the function of social harmfulness is to expel the action from crimes,which completely accords with the function of the principle of legality.


    The principle of legality is a basic principle of the criminal law,which have come from the enlighten ideals.


    Now the issue of non-standard omission mainly concentrates on the recognition of causal relationship,the conflict between the punishment of non-standard omission and the principle of legality,the definition of the duty of action etc.


    The principle of a legally prescribed punishment for a specified crime is the fundamental issue in the criminal theory and practice.


    This article aims to enrich the theory base of a legally prescribed punishment for a specified crime, deepen how to understand a legally prescribed punish for a specified crime, show the essence of a legally prescribed punishment for a specified crime and the value in the justice practice.


    The history of the ingredients of crime development from the concept of procedure law to substantive law indicates that the ingredients of crime don t guarantee the realization of the principle of crimes and punishment stipulated by law as either the concept of procedure law or substantive law.

    构成要件经历了从诉讼概念向实体概念嬗变的这一发展历史表明 :无论是作为诉讼概念还是作为实体概念 ,构成要件自身都不能保障罪刑法定原则的实现 ,相反 ,罪刑法定原则是构成要件存在的价值基础 ;构成要件和犯罪论的联系不是必然的 ,而是罪刑法定原则使两者联系在一起 ;同时 ,构成要件的内容也是随着它所追求的价值目标的变化而不断变化的。

    In this sense,if we try to safeguard the principle of crimes and punishment stipulated by law,we should add such princi.

    只要不是在空泛地维护罪刑法定原则 ,依凭于法律解释学 ,我们就必须从罪刑法定的基本精神出发 ,将原则、政策、规则纳入罪刑法定之法的视野中。

    And the principle of crimes according to law has great guiding significance.


    On “Crime” and “Punishment” in the Legal Principle of Crime and Punishment;


    On Judges Interpretation of Criminal Law Under Principle Of "no Criminal and Penalty without Law";


    Principle of Crime and Penalty Defined by Law and the Evolvement of Criminal Law in Modern China;


    Researeh of the Fortune of Principle of Legality in the International Criminal Law;


    On the Realization of the Principle of a Legally Prescribed Punishment for a Specified Crime in our Country s Criminal Law;


    Re-understanding the Principle of Legally Prescribed Punishment for a Specific Crime:Based on the Relationship between the Principle of Legally Prescribed Punishment for a Specific Crime and the Functions of Criminal Law;


    Commentary on the Rules of Crime s Legal Definition and Legal Explanation in Chinese Criminal Law;


    The Conflict and Coordination between Principle of a Legally Prescribed Punishment for a Specified Crime and Criminal Judicial Interpretation


    Rule of Crime and Penalties Being Created by Statute and its Development in China;


    On the criminal discretion of the judges under the principle of legality;


    The Regulating Scope and Trend of Criminal Law under the Principle of a Legally Prescribed Punishment for a Specific Crime;


    The Principle of a Legally Prescribed Punishment for a Specified Crime Viewed from the Angle of the Form Rationality;


    Doctrine of a Legally Prescribed Punishment for a Special Crime and Criminal Judicature--Viewed from the angle of the doctor s bribes crime;


    The Relationship between Function of Protecting Human Rights and Principle of Conviction by Lawin Chinese Criminal Law;


    On the Application of Principle of a Legally Prescribed Punishment for a Specified Crime in China s Criminal And Penalty Law;


    Establishment of Legally Prescribed Punishment Principle for Specific Crime and China s Criminal Juridical Practice;


    Comments on Implement and Improvement of the Principle of a Legally Prescribed Punishment for a Specified Crime in Our Country's Criminal Law


    On Relationship between Norm of Administrative Criminal Law and Principle of a Legally Prescribed Punishment for a Specified Crime


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