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kerma factor是什么意思



1)kerma factor,比释动能系数2)Kerma,比释动能3)kerma (kinetic energy released in material),比释动能4)Kerma,比释功能5)kerma rate,比释动能率6)Air Kerma Rate,空气比释动能率7)air kerma,空气比释动能8)kerma factor,比释动能因子9)Air Kerma Rate Constant,空气比释动能率常数10)Air kerma strength of brachytherapy source,近距离源空气比释动能强度


    The assessing of the measuring uncertainty of air kerma rate;


    The Air Kerma Rate which is 1 meter from the source was measured.

    对距源 1m处空气比释动能率测量 ,结果表明 :1 8。

    Results Air kerma rates of the storing container surface and environment met with national standards,one of the performance parameters after tested reached the requirements of national standards.


    Experimental study on the conversion factor between ambient dose equivalent and air kerma for external photon radiations.;


    K-fluorescence reference radiations, low air kerma rate X-ray reference radiators,~(241)Am,~(137)Cs and ~(60)Co γ-ray reference radiations established by China Insitute of Atomic Energy are recommended.

    介绍了中国原子能科学研究院所建立的K荧光参考辐射、低空气比释动能率系列的X射线参考辐射和~(241)Am、~(137)Cs和~(60)Co γ射线参考辐射。

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