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effective decontamination factor是什么意思



1)effective decontamination factor,有效去污因子2)decontamination factor,去污因子3)efficiency factor of contaminant source(EFCS),污染源有效因子4)decontamination factor,去污系数,去污因子5)EDF (effective decontamination factor),有效去污系数6)effectiveness factor,有效因子


    The chemical recovery of)~142)La is about 80%, and the decontamination factors for most γ-emitters) are higher than 1×10~3.

    流程所需时间约 1h ,14 2 La的化学回收率约80 % ,对主要γ核素的去污因子大于 1× 10 3 。

    Proposes the two sets of indices,efficiency factor of contaminant source(EFCS) and efficiency factor of supply air(EFSA),and each set includes three indices.


    Estimation of effectiveness factor on a Pd/C catalyst;


    Internal diffusion and effectiveness factors of Pd/C catalyst for purification of terephthalic acid;


    Based on approximate solutions for diffusionreaction problems,the mathematical expressions for calculating effectiveness factor of immobilized enzyme were proposed.

    通过求解固定化酶扩散 反应微分方程,可以得到固定化酶有效因子,而有效因子是固定化酶反应系统设计和模拟的重要参数,也是评定固定化酶系统性能优劣的重要因素之一。

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