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Ultraweak photon emission是什么意思



1)Ultraweak photon emission,超微弱光子辐射2)Ultra-weak Photon Emission from Biological System,生物超微弱光子辐射3)Ultraweak photon emission(UPE),超微弱光子辐射(UPE)4)Ultra-Weak photon emission,超微弱生物光子辐射5)Ultraweak photon emission,超弱光子辐射6)Ultraweak photon emission of biological system(UPE),生物系统的超微弱光子辐射(UPE)


    Using the theories of photon count statistics and test data of the ultraweak photon emission from biological system,the biophoton fields properties is studied in the paper.


    The ultraweak photon emission(PE) of biological body is an index of the substance metaboly and the conversion of energy in the body.

    生物系统超弱光子辐射值是生物系统内物质代谢和能量转化活动的一项指标 。

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