First,adopt line speed control(inner closed loop) and tension control(outer closed loop),the line speed feedback around time-variant parameters r and J,weaken the influence to the whole system when it changes.
First, adopt line speed control (inner closed loop) and tension control (outer closed loop) , the line speed feedback around time-variant parameters r and J, weaken the influence to the whole system when it changes.
在详细推导出系统数学模型和放卷辊L6的时变参数半径r=f(t)、惯量J=f(r)的基础上, 分析指出其采用原工程设计法所招致的失误,并提出改进方法:采用线速度(内环)、张力(外环)双环控制,线速度反馈将时变参数r,J包围,预先削弱其变化对整个系统的影响;线速度环采用Ⅱ型超前校正,积分校正将J,r引起的稳态误差∞变为0,超前校正除保证系统稳定外,主要是减小动态调节时间和超调量;进一步测出L6的转速Ω,让线速度调节器的放大系数Kvt跟随r变化而变化,始终保持线速度环的开环放大倍数KV不变,从而将时变系统改造为定常系统,这样就可以用任何线性定常系统设计方法对系统进行设计。
A new method of measuring the stitch length of weft knitted fabric;
To enhance the reliability and automation of stitch length measurement,a stitch length measuring system through processing the scanned image based on MatLab was introduced.
This paper describes the testing methods for stitch length of weft knitting presently,including static measurement,dynamic measurement and association of static and dynamic measurement,and analyze the points of these methods.
Based on the knitting process of the jersey and 1+1 rib on an flat computerized knitting machine, the influences of the different parameters (yarn input tension, cam setting, machine running velocity and take down force) on the knittability of the glass fibre yarn, specially on the loop length and glass fibre damage, were analyzed.
The relations between the fibre damage degree and the loop lengths are also analysed.
Two testing methods for loop length of weft knitting which are usually used now are introduced firstly:static test method and dynamic method,the deficiency of which is pointed out;A new testing method is introduced in detail.
简单介绍了目前纬编线圈长度的两种测试方法 :脱散法和利用线速圈长仪的动态测试法 ,指出了它们的不足之处 ,并介绍一种新的纬编线圈长度测试方法。
The relationship between the loop length and the weight per square meter of acrylic knitted modified rib fabric
Lines of equal latitude are called parallels.
A loop, as of metal, rope, or thread.
General purpose fan coil housing. Stretch an end to increase duct length. Box size can be changed.
an electric cord used to extend the length of a power cord.
The number of turns of wire in the secondary coil is the same as the number of turns in the primary.
however, under higher electrical currents, inverse connecting of adjacent coils is apt to reduce increment speed of magnetic resistance and hence improve damping force of MRF damper.
Study on the Design of Gradient Coils for Fully Open Permanent MRI System;
Hamilton Cycles and List Linear Arboricity of Graphs;
The Design Method of Gradient Coils in Permanent MRI
A design method of disc gradient coils for permanent MRI systems
Will this rope stretch round the box?
The Relation Between Calculated Value of Coil Longitudinal Magnetization and Length-Diameter Ratio of Component
Degaussing coil tape used for wrapping degaussing coils. Tape is composed of excellent soft PVC film. It is specially designed for good resistance for wrapping degaussing coils.
The degree of self-induction is proportional to the cross-sectional area of the circuit.
measures temperature by changes in the resistance of a spiral of platinum wire.
A Preliminary Design of the Silicon Flexural Accelerometer Based on Plane Helix;