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Rotating screen barrel是什么意思



1)Rotating screen barrel,旋筛2)spin-vibrating screen,旋振筛3)Screw screening,螺旋筛分4)vortex sieve,旋流筛5)Cyclone Fine Screen,旋流细筛6)Spiral drum screen,螺旋筒筛


    The rules for force and energy transmission in a rice whitener were analyzed based on mechanical transmission troubles of the rotating screen barrel in it.


    This passage will introduce a numerical value recursion method,by which can make the academic analyses and researches of the moving tracks of materials in spin-vibrating screen.


    Through the analysis of now problems in use,low speed rotary vortex sieve withtaper seveen deck is designed,made and first tried.


    The information about which Cyclone Fine Screen (CFS) 450 is applied for improvement of alumina quality by ALUMAR Corpo.

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