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wool-polyester blends是什么意思



1)wool-polyester blends,羊毛聚酯掺和物2)wool-nylon blends,羊毛耐隆掺和物3)wool-acrylic blends,羊毛亚克力掺和物4)polyethoxylated lanolin,聚乙二醇酯化羊毛脂5)water extended unsaturated polyester resin,水掺合不饱和聚酯树脂6)Poloxyl Lanolin,聚羊毛脂


    The polyethoxylated lanolin can be prepared by two steps of esterification first the lanolin was reacted with maleic anhydride to form single ester and second the product was esterified with polyglycol(M=1200) to prepare the polyethoxylated lanolin.

    由马来酸酐与羊毛脂反应 ,形成单酯 ,再将其与聚乙二醇反应 ,得到聚乙二醇酯化羊毛脂。

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