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state transition graph是什么意思



1)state transition graph,状态过渡图2)transitional state,过渡状态3)transition state,过渡状态4)interim states,过渡状态5)transition status,过渡状态6)transient state,过渡状态


    The paper expounds the differences of transitional state under control while figuring out the reaction of alkane halogenation in accordance with the transitional theory and principles based on Hammond hypothesis.

    根据过渡状态理论及 Hammond假定的有关原理 ,找出烷烃卤代反应时 ,在控制步骤中不同卤素的过渡状态差异 ,得出烷烃卤代反应的选择性规律 。

    In the process of development,the expression has undergone an ambiguous transitional state.

    :“而已”作为语气词表示限止 ,是由表陈述的“连词 +动词”结构演变来的 ,在其凝固成词的过程中 ,有一种两可的过渡状态。

    This article discusses the femto-chemistry, because it involves femtosecond laser pulses, and its research or monitor into chemical processes of transition state and intermediate.


    By interval computation it can get the interim states of complex continuous dynamics easily.

    应用区间计算方法能很容易地得出复杂连续动态的过渡状态 ,不仅可以很好地对具有定时器的混合系统在某一时刻上进行验证 ,还可对定时器处在某一范围内的情况进行验证 。

    A method of integrating Partition of Threshold Switching Surfaces (PTSS) and Segmenting Approximation of Flow Pipe (SAFP) is proposed to solve the problem that PTSS is not applicable if there exist timers in continuous blocks, and the notion of interim states is put forward.

    为此 ,首次提出了综合流管道近似和阈值切换面划分的方法以及过渡状态的概念。

    This paper provides, a series of concepts and models,such as critical stress field transition modulus and transition set,according to the relationship between the steady stress status and critical stress transition status.


    But current researches only pay attention to geometry attributes, so can not produce simplified transition status according to the transitional physical features.

    三角网格简化方法的提出是为了能够在保证一定精度的同时尽可能地降低数据规模 ,然而现有的三角简化算法均只考虑了几何属性 ,因此在对过渡状态进行三角简化时无法根据物理属性的渐变给出相应的简化原则 。

    The cognitive strategies of the questions of the multiplication equivalence changes significant-ly with the growth of subjects ages:The concurrent activation of the correct-to-incorrect multiple hypothesis and their uses can be regarded as the psychological indexes of the transient state of the equivalence concept acquisition of learning.


    Femtosecond Laser Pulses Research into Chemical Reaction of Transition State;


    On Functional Transition of "zhuo(捉)" in the Jin Dynasty and Northern and southern Dynasties


    It represents an example of a heterocycle being formed as transient species.


    Many calculations of the properties of reactive intermediates and transition states have been performed.


    Research on Theory, Method and Application of Transitional State Visualization;


    Computational analysis on tiltrotor aerodynamic characteristics for transitional flight


    Many calculations of the properties of reactive intermediates and transition states have also been performed.


    but once the evolution of man from the animal kingdom is admitted, such a transitional stage must necessarily be assumed.


    An intermediate place or state.


    To pass the summer in a dormant or torpid state.


    This command removes an AP DS0 from service, transitioning the AP DS0 from the ACTIVE state to OOS-MANUAL.


    transition trial

    过渡飞行状态试验 -由平飞转入垂直飞行

    uncertain area or condition between others that are more clearly defined


    It is indicative only of the interim state of our knowledge.


    Transient process (dynamic process)


    Passage from one form, state, style, or place to another.


    arid transition life zone


    To explain the transition to humanity from conditions such as those in which the anthropoid apes live today would be quite impossible;


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