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on site connection是什么意思



1)on site connection,就地连接2)connection with new foundation,就位连接3)grounding connection,接地连接4)hinterland connection,腹地连接5)ground connection,地线连接6)site joint,工地连接


    In this part points out definitions of hinterland connections and performance indicators for mode of transport.


    earthing cable bond


    Six-phase winding, double star connection, ungrounded or grounded.


    Three-phase winding, four-wire connection, ungrounded or grounded.

    三相绕组, 四线连接, 接地或不接地。

    Two-phase winding, three-wire connection, ungrounded or grounded.

    两相绕组, 三线连接, 接地或不接地。

    Two-phase winding, four-wire connection, ungrounded or grounded.

    两相绕组, 四线连接, 接地或不接地。

    Three-phase winding, zigzag connection, ungrounded or grounded.

    三相绕组, 之字连接, 接地或不接地。

    Be sure to connect the ground cord before connecting the amplifier.


    To connect temporarily(electronic components), as with a patch cord.


    Wagner earth device

    (一对阻抗的连接地点) 瓦格纳接地装置

    Six-phase winding, double star connection. Ungrounded or grounded can be specified.


    Three-phase winding, four-wire connection. Ungrounded or grounded can be specified.

    三相绕组, 四线连接。可指定不接地或接地。

    Three-phase winding, 4-wire delta connection, ungrounded or grounded.

    三相绕组, 四线三角形连接, 接地或不接地。

    Three-phase winding, 4-wire delta connection. Ungrounded or grounded can be specified.


    Three-phase winding, open delta connection. Ungrounded or grounded can be specified.

    三相绕组, 开式三角形连接。可指定不接地或接地。

    Three-phase winding, open delta connection, ungrounded or grounded.

    三相绕组, 开式三角形连接, 接地或不接地。

    Three-phase three-wire winding, delta or meshed connection, ungrounded or grounded.

    三相三线绕组, 三角形或网状连接, 接地或不接地。

    Two-phase winding, three-wire connection. Ungrounded or grounded can be specified.


    Two-phase winding, four-wire connection. Ungrounded or grounded can be specified.

    两相绕组, 四线连接。可指定不接地或接地。

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