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polyamide epoxy paint是什么意思

中文翻译聚 胺环氧漆


1)polyamide epoxy paint,聚 胺环氧漆2)polyamide epoxy paint,聚胺环氧漆3)focus-based method,聚4)poly,聚5)psychophysical aggregate,聚6)polyester-polyether,聚酯-聚醚7)emulsion polymerization,乳聚聚合8)polysulfide thio-polyurea,聚硫聚脲9)copolyesters,聚酯-聚酯10)poly (ether-ester),聚醚聚酯


    An integration of "the diffusion-based method" and "the focus-based method" in the geography teaching;


    The synthesis, structural and mechanical properties of two polysulfide-containing polymers are described, one is polysulfide thio-polyurea, the other is UV-cured liquid polysulfide thio-urethane acrylate.

    简单介绍了液体聚硫橡胶的发展与性能 ,合成了以液体聚硫橡胶为软段 ,2 ,5 二氨基 3,6 二甲硫基甲苯 (E30 0 )扩链的聚硫聚脲和紫外光固化的聚硫聚脲两种聚硫聚合物 ,并介绍了用侧链含氨基的聚二甲基硅氧烷对这两种聚硫聚脲聚合物进行表面改性 ,例举了聚硫聚脲改性聚丁二烯聚脲、增韧环氧树脂胶粘剂和增强聚硫密封胶等的应

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