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railage,railway freight是什么意思



1)railage,railway freight,铁路运费2)railway,铁路3)railroad,铁路4)Railways,铁路5)Rail,铁路6)Railw ay,铁路


    Research on the Discharging Rule and Matching Treatment of Railway Wastewater from Moderate and Small Station;


    Research on Matching Technology for Wastewater Treatment of Moderate and Small Railway Stations;


    Research and design of Emergency Plan Management System for Railway;


    The Railroad Organization of Investment and Financing: All New Mode of the Railroad Construction and Financing;


    The Automatic Measurement and Control System of Railroad Signal Power B ased on DSP;


    The model and algorithm of using shunting engines for railroad technical service station;


    Research on constructing data grid of railways and its key technologies;


    On the changes brought by the railways built in Shijiazhuang by the end of Qing Dynasty;


    This article systematically concludes new tendencies of railway investment,subsidy and taxation policies in foreign countries, makes comparison analyses between current supporting policies for China railways and their foreign counterparts,points out that China should go further on improving railways policy environments toaccelerate good and fast development of China railways.


    Research on the Macro Distribution Plan of Modern Rail Logistics Center;


    Because the transit period of rail goods isn t guaranteed, it has been an important reason of influencing competition ability in the transport market.


    Many cities in Asia are looking to rail-based systems in order to solve urban transport problems and to allow further development.


    Study on Applying ISO 9000 Standards in Railw ay Transport Enterprise;


    After m any years of survey by som e departm ents of the Ministry of Railw ay, four schem es including Qinghai-Tibet, Gansu-Tibet, Sichuan-Tibet, Yunnan- Tibet have been presented.


    In viw e of the characteristics of freight being stealed on the w ay of railw aytraffic,this paper proposes the designning princple of the guarding system of railw ay w agonand container, gives its hardw are fram e and softw are program m ing flow chart, and forecastsits usage in the T M I S.

    针对铁路运输的货物在途中被盗现象,提出了货车、集装箱防盗系统的设计原理,给出了系统硬件结构示意图和软件设计框图并对其在 T M I S中的使用前景进行了展望。

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