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Economic Pneumatic Hammer是什么意思



1)Economic Pneumatic Hammer,细风炮2)Gun tunnel,炮风洞3)blast hole,炮眼;风洞4)Heavy-Duty Pneumatic Hammer,大风炮5)Light Pneumatic Hammer,小型风炮6)gun wind tunnel experiment,炮风洞实验


    In the paper the theories, the characters and the advantages of this kind of tunnels are explicated and the comparisons with other intermittent tunnels such as shock tunnel, gun tunnel and Ludwieg tube are carried out.

    阐述了忽略活塞质量时等熵轻质活塞风洞的工作机理及其特征,并与激波风洞、炮风洞和罗德维奇风洞等暂冲式风洞进行了比较,从而为不同情况下选择不同类型的风洞提供了 依据。

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