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remaining portion[RP]是什么意思



1)remaining portion[RP],余段2)RP [Remaining Portion],余段3)surplus pipe,剩余段4)complete system of residue segment,完全剩余段系5)D.D. [demarcation district] ... Lot ... R.P. [remaining portion],丈量约份第...约地段第...号余段


    The optimized cutting method is valuable for actual application due to its smaller surplus pipe and higher material utilization.


    In this paper, according to the theory of congruence, the integer segment D λconsisting of λ+1 integers of continuity has been incorporated into the least nonnegative complete system of residue segment of module π′ n=P 2P 3ΛP n.

    本文依据同余理论将λ + 1(λ 1)个连续整数构成的整数段D[b]λ={b ,b + 1,Λ ,b +λ}(b∈Z)划归为模π′n=P2 P3ΛPn的最小非负完全剩余段系D[Bn]λ,并引进了“n维筛法” ,从而证得本文主要结论 :在a2 与 (a + 1) 2 间至少有二个素

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