WANG Gong-bi and"the Youth Village" autonomy;
Redundant autonomous software component based trusted computing mechanism;
One modeling method is constructing non-autonomous model by considering time, and regarding the time variable as a state variable; the other way is constructing autonomous model by discarding time, and considering only the state variables of circuit.
People generally think the English university is autonomous,and this kind of autonomy has its rationale besides historical tradition and so on.
The idea of civil society is self-regulation and self-government.
Bai Jianwu is as the observation to the current political situation of insider,Propose to resolve the thinking of Confusion political setup :Consist of that the Province self-government、North and south is unitied 、Scholar administers a country.
Social intermediary organizations self-government is beneficial to government function change and service government reform.
Study on Urban Community Sports Self-governing;
The just factors in court conciliation is possible to be absorbed to increase the self-governing components in legal systems.
The clan activities in Qing dynasty have the nature of self-governing,which takes within the limit of the government s permission and are carried out by the order of clan chiefs.
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