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diameter at breast height是什么意思



1)diameter at breast height,胸高直径2)BDH(diameter breast high),树胸高直径3)breast depth,胸高4)breast diameter height form factor,胸高形数5)apex,胸高点6)additional bust dart,胸高追加量


    The correlation between the breast diameter height form factor η and the diameter height ratio δ with respect to the change in tree age t has been analyzed based on the data obtained from China fir forests.

    基于杉木林分调查数据讨论了林分胸高形数η和径高比δ随林龄 t变化的相关性 。

    By analyzing the route of breast level about fitted dress, the additional bust dart is researched and the revised block included the additional bust dart on breast level is put forward.


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