Cloning of Qβ RNA replicase cDNA gene and its expression in E.coli;
Objective To explore the enhancing effect of RNA replicase of alpha virus on the immune effect of genetic vaccine in order to obtain its optimal form.
目的 探讨α 病毒RNA复制酶对基因疫苗的免疫学效应的加强作用 ,寻找更好的基因疫苗形式。
The RNA replicase gene of foot-and-mouth virus was amplified and cloned into prokaryotic expression vector pET-32a(+).
利用 RT- PCR扩增了口蹄疫病毒 (FMDV )的 RNA复制酶基因 ,并将其克隆到原核表达载体 p ET- 32 a(+)中。
Immunity of genetic vaccine based on alpha virus replicase to human melanoma;
Research advances in tobacco mosaic virus replicase mediated resistance;
Cloning of GDD deleted replicase gene of Cucumber mosaic virus and construction of its plant expression vector;
In researches involving in vitro protein synthesis and self-replication system, Qβ replicase is one of the key enzymes, which are demanded for the high availability.
利用普通表达载体合成Qβ复制酶时 ,得到的 β亚基几乎都是不溶性蛋白 ,从而影响了Qβ复制酶的活性和产率。
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