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dwarf shrub bog是什么意思



1)dwarf shrub bog,半灌木沼地2)subshrub bog,半灌木沼地3)semi-shrub,半灌木4)small half-shrub,小半灌木5)half shrub,半灌木6)subshrub,半灌木7)Sagebrush,蒿类半灌木8)sandy semi-shrub,沙生半灌木9)the psammophytic half shrub community,沙生半灌木群落10)undershrub,小半灌木荒漠


    Study on the clonal growth of small half-shrub population Thymus serpyllum developed the field of plant population ecology in breadth and depth, and the studying have vital function in the scientific theory and practice.


    Sagebrush is one of major components with high feeding value and wide distribution in native pasture.


    Based on the data from field investigation along a 5 km transect,spatial variant features of the vegetation coverage of the psammophytic half shrub community in Mu Us Sandland was described through semivariance analysis and fractal analysis.

    在使用 5m× 50 0 0 m样带进行调查获得的植被盖度数据的基础上 ,通过半方差分析和分形分析揭示了毛乌素沙化草地沙生半灌木群落植被盖度的空间变异特点。

    Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi of six species of ephemeral plants,Plantago minuta,Gagea sacculifera,Gagea nigra,Tulipa iliensis,Ixiolirion tataricum and Geranium transversale in undershrub of Gurbantunggut Desert (southern edge) were investigated.

    调查了我国新疆古尔班通古特沙漠南缘雅玛里克山和黑山头典型小半灌木荒漠中分布的6种优势短命植物(ephemeral plants)小车前Plantago minuta、囊瓣顶冰花Gagea sacculifera、黑鳞顶冰花Gagea nigra、伊犁郁金香Tulipa iliensis、鸢尾蒜Ixiolirion tataricum和串珠老鹳草Geranium transversale根际土壤中AM真菌多样性、孢子密度、物种丰度、相对多度、频度、重要值等。

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