The failure reasons and prevention measures of corrugated expansion joint in heating pipe network;
Influence of corrugation on intrinsic frequency and critical load of arched-metal roof;
By an analysis on various causes of corrugation, the surface grinder processing and solutions are mainly presented, thus the quality of grindering is guaranteed.
The surface corrugation of Aluminium ingot affect the quality and price.
铝锭表面的波纹 ,影响品质和价格 ,根据实验观察 ,波纹有同心圆状、泡状、两端波纹状三种形态 ,是振动引起的液态铝晃动而形成的。
Analysis and Improving on the Ripple in Surface of Aluminium Ingot;
The ANSYS software is adopted to research a forming of an arched_type trough plate with underside ripple by using finite element method,and the model set up is in accord with actural working.
采用了ANSYS软件对拱型槽板底面波纹成型过程进行了有限元研究 ,建立的模型与实际机件相符合 ,分析了成型后底面波纹顶端的应力变化情况 ,以及回弹后的残余应力大小 ,为今后研究拱型槽板成型过程提供了理论依
Ripples have been found at the periphery of damage site using atomforce microscope(AFM),in most cases, several set of ripples appear at the same time in the same area.
An EBG Band-stop Filter with Low Ripples in Pass-bands;
Superplasticforming process design of titanium alloy bellows based on robust design method;
Failure Analysis on the Inconel 625 Bellows;
Inconel 625合金波纹管失效分析
Failure Analysis of Inconel 625 Alloy Bellows;
Incone l625合金波纹管失效分析
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