From Quantum Theory to Bose-Einstein Statistics;
Moreover,chemical potentials are extremely important in deducing Bose-Einstein coacerva.
The Boson peak of Pr~(3+), Lu~(3+)-doped 20GaF_3-15InF_3-20CdF_2-15ZnF_2-20PbF_2-10SnF_2 glasses was investigated by means of Raman spectrum and DSC.
将拉曼光谱与热分析方法相结合,研究了在20GaF3 15InF3 20CdF2 15ZnF2 20PbF2 10SnF2玻璃系统中玻色峰与稀土离子Pr3+,Lu3+掺杂浓度的关系。
Chiral Bosonization of Superconformal Ghosts;
By using the bosonization approach and renormalization group analysis,we study the ground state phase diagram of one-dimensional extended Hubbard model at half-filling in the regime where U and V are both positive but less than t, finding that the system shows three distinct ground states characterized by the spin-density-wave,the charge-density-wave and the bond-charge-density-wave,respectively.
By using bosonization technique and Jordan-Wigner transformation,we study the spin(-1/2XY) model in external magnetic field.
采用Jordan-W igner变换和玻色化方法研究外场中的自旋-1/2XY模型。
Using the characteristics of Fermi integral and Bose integral and theory of thermodynamics, We discuss the characteristics of ideal quantum gas in a process of throttling expansion, and an analytical expression of JouleThomson coefficient (JTC) of ideal quantum gas is derived in this paper.
Using the fundamental equations of Bose systems, the characteristics of Bose integral and theory of thermodynamics, an analytical expression of Joule-Thomson coefficient (JTC) of ideal Bose gas is derived in this paper.
应用玻色系统的基本方程 ,玻色积分的特性以及热力学理论 ,导得理想玻色气体焦汤系数的解析表达式 ,详细讨论了低温下玻色气体的定压热容和焦汤系数 ,阐明了系统的量子本性对焦汤系数的贡献 。
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