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Molticolor Red是什么意思



1)Molticolor Red,幻彩红2)Multicolor Red,幻彩红3)Rosso Crepuslolo,巴西幻彩红4)dyeing and finishing technology,幻彩5)Ghibli,幻彩豆麻6)Giallo SF Peal,幻彩金麻7)Martiaca,幻彩绿8)Multicolor Green,幻彩绿9)Fantasy Viyola,金幻彩10)Prata Ornamental,幻彩巴拉麻


    By the usage of multi-component fibers on cloth fabric,find out the reasonable dyeing and finishing technology in order to teach a better wool-like effect of many colors and changing colors,and include the critical common elements according to the technology.

    通过对多组分差别化纤维在服装面料上的应用分析 ,选用了 1套合理的染整加工工艺 ,使差别化纤维仿毛面料达到了较好的多彩、幻彩的仿毛效果 ,并总结出符合该工艺带普遍性的关键

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