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ion plating是什么意思



1)ion plating,极间距2)anode spacing,阳极间距3)space between electrodes,电极间距4)clearance between poles,pole distance,极间距离5)anode-cathode distance,阴阳极间距6)"ZGM" heat-conductor,两极间距离


    The experimental results show that the discharge current I decreases with increase of the needle radius a or the space between electrodes d,and increases with the increase of space between needles s.

    实验得出放电电流I随针尖半径a和电极间距d的增大而减小,随相邻针尖间距s的增大而增大,但当s≥40 mm时,相邻针尖的相互作用已很小,I几乎不变;d对火花击穿电压的影响较大,a对其的影响较小。

    The effects of the voltage, solution concentration and anode-cathode distance on the ordered extent of as-prepared AAO templates were studied.


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