The Development of Thermocompressor for Joining Plastic and Hardware;
The uncertainty for determination of Cd, Pb, Hg, Cr in plastic by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry was evaluated.
Determination of Poiybromodiphenyl Ethers and Polybromobiphenyls in Plastic Products by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry;
According to the investigation on the producing,paving and using status of the Synthetic Rubber Sports Track products,this article analyzes the producing process,the material component and the existing state of TDI from the Synthetic Rubber Sports Track,and also discusses TDI harm to human body.
In order to reducing the cost,MDI-type polyurethane(PU)plastic racetrack material used in sports was manufactured,by increasing the percent of NCO and adjusting the B-component in the raw materials.
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