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head to head configuration是什么意思



1)head to head configuration,头对头结构2)head to head structure,头头结构3)head-to-head structure,头-头结构4)Bit structure,钎头结构5)Structure of Gripper Head,剑头结构6)discharge end,炉头结构


    The paper studies the four kinds of the discharge end, analyzes the four kinds of discharge end for the results of the experiments about the fields of pressure, velocity and turbulence, and explores the heating behavior of the furnace under the influence of the different discharge end.

    本文研究了四种炉头结构 ,分析了其结构的压力场、速度场和紊流度的分布 ,探讨了不同炉头结构对热工的影响。

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