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unperturbed end-to-end distance是什么意思



1)unperturbed end-to-end distance,无扰末端距2)end-to-end distance,末端距3)End-to-end vector,末端距矢量4)mean square end-to-end distance,均方末端距5)fourth moment of end-to-end distance,末端距四次矩6)root-mean-square end-to-end distance,均方根末端距


    The correlation between the square end-to-end distance R~2 and the asphericity parameter A and the correlation between the square radius of gyration S~2 and A were computed for chain lengths from 10 to 23.

    采用完全计数(Exact Enumeration)方法对金刚石格点链的构象进行精确枚举,计算构象的末端距平方R2和回转半径平方S2与非球形因子A之间的关系。

    In this paper, fourth moment of end-to-end distance of polymethylene chains in the third-order interaction approximation is calculated.


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