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non graphited compressed white asbestos gasket是什么意思



1)non graphited compressed white asbestos gasket,无石墨压缩白石棉垫片2)compressed asbestos class gasket,压缩石棉垫片3)aquadag['ækwə,dæɡ],石墨垫片4)asbestine mat,石棉垫片5)carbon gland,石墨压垫盖6)Gasket Wound with Graphite,石墨缠绕垫片


    The author puts foward the way in which large standard flange asbestine mats can be made by helix method,and also tells us the way it is installed on the sealing side of tenon-typed flange.

    给出了“螺旋法”制做大规格榫槽型法兰石棉垫片的方法 ,以及该垫片在榫槽型法兰密封面上的安装办法 ,从而解决了生产中存在的问

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